About the author
My name is Richard Aaron Honorof. I am an American Israeli Jewish minister of the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus), living in Jerusalem, Israel since 1998. I have been a believer in Jesus since He saved me in the spring of 1973. The first time I picked up the Old Testament, the Scriptures about the promised Messiah came alive off the pages with powerful Love. That experience continued every day for the next three months as I read the Holy Scriptures.
It was also during that same time that I first began reading the New Testament. Later Jesus audibly spoke three words to me one day as I was reading the 21st chapter of the book of John. And at the same time He also planted those three Words from the Scriptures deep into my heart with His powerful Love, words that would change my life forever, “Feed My Sheep!”
The Lord began my ministry, ‘Feed My Sheep,’ some years later after saving me out of the occult, demonic worlds. One morning, on Passover weekend in 1982, after crying out to God for help, I was suddenly lifted up into Heaven. And as I was being raised up to Heaven I was shown a vision of a man dying on a tree, and I had the feeling that whoever was raising me up to Heaven, was also very much aware of my great suffering, and was empathizing with my tremendous pain.
Moments later, when I opened my eyes, I found myself standing about 10 feet away from the King of Heaven, Yeshua! His face and whole being was like Brilliant Light, so brilliant that I could not see any of His features, except for the very simple golden crown which He wore. He came over to me and lovingly placed a red crimson robe around my shoulders. Later I discovered that who I stood before in Heaven is called 'the King of Glory'. (Psalm 24:7-10)
Then I found myself back down in the desert. I knew that I had been healed and delivered from the demonic torment. I also knew what God now wanted me to do for Him, which was to go back into the bible, and to write down all those Scriptures which God had made come alive off the pages of the bible nine years prior. This first book took me the next 10 years to write, and it was called, 'The Coming Messiah, the Son of David,' announcing the Coming of the Lord.
This book was published in 1992, and it quickly sold out. It was an in-depth bible study of the life of Jesus, but taken only from the Old Testament Scriptures. At the same time I began putting out God’s Word on a line of scripture photo greeting cards which I sold to Christian bookstores. God then also directed me to start blowing two shofars at the same time, and to begin announcing the coming of the Lord Jesus with those two shofars throughout the United States. I was soon asked to open many national and regional Messianic conferences in the United States with the two shofars. During that time I traveled selling Messianic art prints and books to the Christian bookstores.
In 1995, I made Aliyah to Jerusalem, Israel. Since coming to Jerusalem, Yeshua (Jesus) has called me to write many more books for Him, mainly in the field of End Time bible prophesy. Also I have written books on evangelism in different languages, which go out free throughout Israel, for the Salvation of Jews and Arabs.
Shortly after my first book was published, God began teaching me about the Mystery of the Shofar of God, the 10 places in the Bible where Yeshua sounds the Shofar, and what that means in relation to the Lord’s soon return, and how that information also helps to better understand the Mysteries related to the Bride of Messiah. That is what this eBook is all about.
For the last 20 years the Lord has also been teaching me another great mystery of the Bible, of just how Lord Yeshua fulfilled the Aaronic priesthood in the flesh at His Birth. That mystery was first prophesied in the Old Testament Scriptures about our Messiah, coming not only through the line of king David, but also through the high priest family of Joshua (Yeshua), of high priest Zadok, of high priest Aaron of the Aaronic priesthood. Both Jeremiah and Zechariah spoke about the Messiah coming from the priest family of Aaron.
Just how was virgin Miriam the fulfillment of two family lines, that of king David and also that of high priest Zadok? What was the special mystery that Mary (Miriam) of the tribe of Judah shared with her close relative Elizabeth (Elisheva) of the family of Aaron, of the tribe of Levi, found in Luke chapter one? That eBook is now also being published and is called, The Mysteries found in the Blood of Yeshua! The Lamb of God, of Aaron…
My hobby is nature photography. I currently self publish and distribute a collection of over 250 hand made scripture photo greeting cards, which are sold to the believer stores here in Jerusalem. Many of these photos can be seen on 50px.com. My published books and many writings, along with my scripture photography collection can all be seen on my website ... www.FeedMySheepJerusalem.com
I am a bible teacher of many End Time bible mysteries related to our Lord Yeshua and His soon return.
I am currently living in Jerusalem, Israel, with my special wife and friend, Feryl (Faith) Christine.