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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Action & Adventure
  • Language:English
  • Pages:225
  • eBook ISBN:9781617928093

The MASS Agenda

by Darrell Sroufe

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The MASS Agenda involves a rising star in the world of international news media. Given an assignment to do a story which discredits opposition to environmentalism, he sets out across the United States and Europe to gather information intended to demonize industries and organizations which question the validity of the Green movement. Along the way he discovers a great deal of information about the Green movement, of which the general public is very much unaware. He then determines to do his story on where environmentalism came from and where it is taking us. His mission soon leads him into danger, romance and a whilwind trip across Europe as he tries to save the world from the true agenda of those who say we must save the earth.
The MASS Agenda is a fictional story about a top investigative journalist named Dan Snyder who works for Our World Today Magazine. The magazine is one of the leading print media news outlets in the world run by an internationally revered media mogal named Jonathan Barnes, who is also a dedicated environmentalist. When Mr. Barnes gives Dan an assignment to investigate industries and organizations which stand in opposotion to the Green movement and expose them as being destoyers of the planet, Dan sets out to 'get the goods' on them all. Criss crossing the country and then going to Europe interviewing various industry and political leaders, Dan grows uncertain about who is really right in the environmentalism vs. industrialization stand-off. He becomes aware that those who question the validity of the Green movement have some very valid arguements and those who support it are rife with unfounded speculation concerning global catastrophy if everyone doesn't get on the environmental band wagon. Finally, after discussing the issue with a Monsignor at Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican City who suggests that he investigate environmentalism itself, Dan sets out to do just that. As Dan begins his research, he soon discovers the frightening roots of today's Green movement as well as who and what is truly behind the worldwide dictate to 'Save The Earth'. He then determines to change his story's intent of demonizing opposition to the Green movement to exposing where environmentalism came from, how it has become such a powerful force and where it is leading the entire world. While a fictional story in the foreground, The MASS Agenda is filled with historical and present day facts concerning the origins and catalyst of today's increasingly powerful environmentalism dictates. Beyond its factual background, the story itself is also filled with high adventure, riviting danger and plot twisting mystery. It is also a tale of tender romance between Dan and a new found love named Brigitta, who he meets while in pursuit of the truth behind the Green movement. The MASS Agenda is a story well worth reading for both its entertainment value as well as being a powerful reference tool to utilize in the debate over environmental issues which are continully in the headlines. .
About the author
Darrell Sroufe is a veteran of the family entertainment business, having performed for as well as produced major family concert and festival events for over forty years. During this time Darrell wrote hundreds of songs, many of which were recorded and played on radio and television throughout the United States and Europe. In 2009 Darell began to transition from the entertainment field to the literary field with the publication of his first book, Klufford's Holler. With his first venture into literature finding the favorable reviews by nationally known writers, artists, laymen, clerymen and career professionals in a wide range of fields, Darrell decided to move full time into a writing career. He has since written two sequals to Klufford's Holler as well as an expose of the psychiatric industry called Looney Bin Blues and three trivia books revolving around the entertainment industry. Darrell is married to Theresa Sroufe, from Cosa Mesa, California. Theresa is a career nurse and navy veteran who currently supervises a team of fifteen nurses at Georgia Medical Care Foundation. Darrell and Theresa live in Atlanta, Georgia as do Theresa's step son Darius, who works as a computer engineer for Turner Broadcasting Company and her step daughter April, a missionary to Thailand.