The Love of Oliver is written from the heart of a fine Australian Labradoodle who transitioned from an over zealous pup to a calm dog who would seize every moment with people to show them how loving and helpful he could be, in any situation. He found his greatest joy would come not from the dog biscuits but from the people who loved to see him, and the delight children had when he seemed to come alive after they would turn the book around so he could see the pictures in the books they read to him. Every visit with people, no matter where they met him, seemed to reinforce what his true purpose was, and he was happy in the knowledge. As the years passed and the adventures increased he only became more intuitive, more confident, and more willing to serve. He is a senior citizen now, still turning heads, still enjoying life and work and putting smiles on faces of those he sees. He still jumps at the chance to put on his green vest, it is his badge of honor. He has earned it. He deserves it. He loves it still.
All sales for Oliver’s book will be donated to the two organizations he works for; SUNCOAST HUMANE SOCIETY, & CHILD PROTECTGION CENTER!