About the author
About the Author
Margaret Anderson was born and educated in Scotland. She has a B.Sc. in genetics from Edinburgh University. After working as a statistician and biologist in England, Canada, and the United States, she took up writing science and nature articles for children’s magazines. This led to her first book, Exploring the Insect World. Then she turned to writing historical and time-slip fiction. The fiction titles, published by Knopf, include To Nowhere and Back, In the Keep of Time, In the Circle of Time and Searching for Shona, all available as e-books. The nonfiction books include biographies of Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton (Enslow, 1994 and 1996), Chaco Canyon (Oxford, 2002) and Bugged-Out Insects (Enslow, 2011). They have also been re-issued as e-books.
The Journey of the Shadow Bairns (Knopf, 1980) was inspired by a letter written by Arthur Black, who emigrated to Canada with the Barr Colonists. Black is Anderson’s husband’s grandfather. The letter conveyed both the hardships and the opportunities of those early days in Saskatchewan. Elspeth and Robbie, the orphaned Shadow Bairns, are the author’s own invention. However, Elspeth’s optimism and determination are characteristic of the Barr colonists who sailed on the Lake Manitoba and settled the Saskatchewan Territory in 1903.
Visit Margaret J. Anderson’s web page at http://members.peak.org/~mja/.