In the distant future, and from the midst of a utopian paradise, the artificially intelligent machine army emerged. Dubbed the Mantis due to their insect-like appearance, their unsympathetic reign of destruction has left at least a dozen colonized worlds in ruin, and a dozen more in fear. As a result, an elite group of starship pilots and warriors was formed for the sole purpose of fighting against this cancer to the galaxy. Allan Becker is one such pilot.
He was found barely alive, unconscious among the icy-cold wreckage of a downed hover-carrier on a distant planet. His body was far too damaged to be saved, but the brain was all they would need. Using his DNA as a template, and utilizing highly advanced nanotechnology, his new body was constructed. Even now he appeared as a normal human in every way, but unlike others, he would not age, never fall ill, and would possess greater strength and speed than ordinary humans. 80 years later, Allan Becker, by all appearances, did not look a day over 23.
The now 103 year-old starship pilot, with his friend and mission partner, Jim Randall, will inadvertently run head-on into the anomalous gravitational forces created by dark matter in deep space. The rip in space and time will send them 700 years into the past and tumbling through the depths of space. Now, in the year 2012, they will return to Earth and search for a way to alter future history. In the process, Allan will find love in the unlikeliest of places, a love that will endure throughout time.
The Solaran (extremely elusive beings of incredible intelligence) will eventually lead Allan to a beautiful, emerald-like device of astonishingly advanced technology. With the power of the jewel, he will now journey to worlds and realms beyond imagination, and in his ageless artificial body, Allan will live on throughout the centuries, searching for a way to bring back the woman he loves and keep her in his life forever.