Internet escorting is a business; a business that requires marketing to a self-defined target audience. Escort work ranges from courtesans to independent escorts to sugar babies to survival sex workers. All can benefit from maximizing their Internet presence to earn more money. After all, money is the #1 reason people enter sex work.
Websites have come and gone over the years, especially after the passage of SESTA/FOSTA in March 2018. But the concepts of discovering your ideal persona, advertising to potential clients, navigating the escort review system, and handling the public side of your business remain the same. Book 2: Advertising and Marketing is exhaustively detailed to enable escorts to create a successful, sustainable persona and business.
If you peruse the Table of Contents, you'll see these important concepts discussed:
- Create, define, name and market your escort persona
- How to use your persona to attract your clients of choice
- Learn what clients do and do not want to see on an ad or website
- Build a rate structure that works for you (Hint: lowering rates isn't the answer!)
- Learn how to choose web hosting that's budget-friendly
- Learn how to choose good photographers and web designers
- Take advantage of DIY tips if you want total control over your photos and websites
- Playing and winning the review game
- Not playing the review game and still have a thriving business
- Marketing during appointments with clients
- and much, much more!
The solid principles and concepts of marketing and advertising to clients doesn't change regardless of the technology or legal strictures in which it happens. Knowing how to run your business keeps you safely beyond the the pitfalls or predators who prey on ignorance.
Knowledge is power.