Are you part of Generation X, born between 1962 and 1980? Know anyone born at that time? Do you love, hate, or feel indifferent about someone born at that time? Interested in learning more about the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and more specifically, the technology of that time. Was 8-bit life really the best life? What really did happen when a calculator was put into a watch? A pen?
If the answer to any of the above is "yes", then this book is for you. Bill Woodcock, the Maryland-based award-winning blogger and author, brings to you this first-hand, candid, hilarious view of the technology that came to be during the coming of age of Generation X. Some of these items are in use today, some of them have been developed further, some of them have become obsolete. All of them have made a mark upon the world and are worthy of discussion and of course, ridicule.
Join Bill, co-host of the "But Before We Go..." podcast, for this romp through this aspect of Generation X culture. And look for other books in the series on television, movies, events, personalities, politics, sports, and other happenings of the time!