This is the most indispensible book available for independent priests and bishops, especially those who want to balance traditional liturgies with progressive attitudes.
Page upon page of rites, rituals, liturgies and practices that cover the entire spectrum of Sacraments for the entire Christian year.
* Eucharist (Liberal Catholic, Wadle)
* Proper (Readings, Collects, Prefaces, Graduals)
* Solemn Benediction
* Services for the Sick
* Holy Matrimony (Rite, Nuptial Mass, Adelphopoiia Rite for same-gender couples)
* Holy Orders (all the minor orders, major orders, bishop’s consecration)
* Admission Ceremonies (church, server, singer)
* Baptism (infant, child, adult, economia)
* Confirmation
* Communion outside of Mass
* Funerals and Burials
* Holy Week Services (Chrism Mass, etc.)
* Blessings
* Occasional Services
* Prayers, Litany
* Creeds