Dianne Robbins is a telepath and empath, so not only does she receive information but she also feels what Lolita, Corky, Keiko, and the other Cetaceans feel. She is an Interspecies Communicator, specializing in raising people’s awareness of the continuing inhumane killing of Cetaceans and the imprisonment of their species. She is of Cetacean lineage and consciousness, and has been a telepathic channel for the Cetaceans in other lifetimes. Channeling under the name LAILEL, today, she is one of the Cetaceans’ voices to the world. Dianne has always been connected to the Cetaceans, and was an active member of Greenpeace in the 1970s, only at that time, she didn’t realize that she could hear them. Being telepathically linked to the Cetaceans in previous lifetimes, it was easy for her to connect with them now, once she realized that she could do this. They had been waiting for some time for her to realize this, and planted many signs along her path to call her attention to them. In the late 1980s Dianne started her search with the questions “Who am I, why am I here, and what am I supposed to be doing?” She spent hours each day for many years in meditation and silence, out in nature, walking, and just sitting quietly to find the answers to her questions, and started receiving telepathic messages from the Cetaceans in the early 1990s. Many of the messages in this book were channeled while Dianne was at Deerfield Beach, Florida. She would sit alone by the ocean with pen and notebook, and telepathically call to the Cetaceans, “I am ready.” They would then dictate their messages to her. Dianne is irresistibly drawn to the ocean. She yearns to live near the ocean, and dreams of moving to Florida where her family and many Cetaceans are. Family life is very important to her, and she misses her family in Florida from whom she is separated, just as Lolita and Corky are separated from their families — only she has the freedom to visit her family as she wishes. Dianne fervently hopes that Lolita, Corky, and all Cetaceans in captivity will be freed, so that they, too, can be with their families again; and that someday she, too, can be with hers. Dianne is a student of the Ascended Master Teachings through the Radiant Rose Academy. The Radiant Rose Academy is the Earthly Instrument for this New Dispensation through which the continuation of Progressive Revelation can reach the people of Earth. This is the Dispensation bringing the Divine Feminine back to Earth through Mother Akasha’s Rose Pink Rays and Flames of Divine Love, Will and Grace from the Heart of the Great Central Sun. These are the same Ascended Master Teachings that were taught to Jesus, that prepared him for his Resurrection and Ascension. Recommended Reading for those on the Ascension Path: Saint Germain’s books by Godfre Ray King: The Magic Presence and Unveiled Mysteries. St. Germain Press, 800.662.2800 Radiant Rose Academy Vancouver, Canada 604.267.0985 www.akashaonline.com