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Book details
  • SubGenre:Channeling & Mediumship
  • Language:English
  • Pages:118
  • eBook ISBN:9780984925452

Tree Talk

by Dianne Robbins

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Just as the Cetaceans are the Earth’s Record Keepers living in the Oceans, do you know that the TREES are the Record Keepers living on Land? The Trees comprise a “vast underground communication network” system that transmits information so that all Trees, everywhere on Earth, know instantly all that occurs. They are Living Libraries embodied in bark that we, as humans, can easily “tap” into (note the term “tap root” — we can tap into their vast library). Their “line” is always open to us, so tap into it — they are eagerly awaiting our call. They are waiting for us to acknowledge them as the TREE PEOPLE. For uncensored worldwide news and answers to any question, Hug a Tree — it not only saves paper, but their lives as well.


Just as the Cetaceans are the Earth’s Record Keepers living in the Oceans, do you know that the TREES are the Record Keepers living on Land? The Trees comprise a “vast underground communication network” system that transmits information so that all Trees, everywhere on Earth, know instantly all that occurs. They are Living Libraries embodied in bark that we, as humans, can easily “tap” into (note the term “tap root” — we can tap into their vast library). Their “line” is always open to us, so tap into it — they are eagerly awaiting our call. They are waiting for us to acknowledge them as the TREE PEOPLE. For uncensored worldwide news and answers to any question, Hug a Tree — it not only saves paper, but their lives as well. We Trees Are Record Keepers We are the Trees. We, too, are Record Keepers. Our branches are layered with information. Our leaves are recording plates that capture your words and actions as you walk by. You can talk to us and we will record your words, even your nuances of speech. It is like turning a dial on a recording device and you talk into it. We are better than that, since we don’t run on technology — it is built into us. Our leaves look thin to your eyes, yet hold volumes of information that appears automatically to you in vision and sound when you “switch on” to us. We are self-contained books holding the records of the Earth. As our leaves sway to and fro in the wind we are sweeping the ethers and picking up pertinent information that is necessary to sustain life. It is all encoded, and you can easily break the code. We can answer any question you ask, if you just learn to hear us. We speak loud and clear to your heart — not your ear. We Trees comprise a vast underground communications network that records all events and is privy to all that is about to occur. If you want to know what is going to happen anywhere on Earth, just stand next to one of us, put your hand on our trunk, and ask your question. We will answer. We trees are guardians — sentinels stationed on Earth to serve here along with you in partnership as caretakers. We are encoded with cosmic intelligence and graced by the Divine just as you are — only we are aware of our gifts and use them to create only harmony. You can read us as we read you — you are a Living Library and can turn the pages within your soul to access all there is to know. It is built into you…it is you. This is why your DNA is so sought after and you have been so tampered with. You are a prize worth capturing, but no one can duplicate you. With all their technology they still cannot figure you out. Only the Creator knows the code.

About the author

As I sit at my computer thinking about how I started my romance with the Trees, I realize it didn’t start—it just always was, and has continued into this lifetime. My connection to them has always been easy and natural—just as my connection to the Cetacean Kingdom has been. Trees have always been a source of deep inspiration to me—bastions of strength who are graced with nobility—sentinels stationed on Earth nourishing and protecting me wherever I walk. They replenish my energy and restore my passion for life whenever I am with them. They are peace and strength combined. I moved to Mt. Shasta, California, in 2008, being called to my Mountain home after a lifetime of living in Rochester, New York. Mt. Shasta is home to myriad varieties of Pine Trees, and my being on the Mountain surrounded by these majestic Beings is transforming my life. The more time I spend on the Mountain immersed in the energy of the Tree People, the more strength I feel returning to my body as they fill me with their life force. Their healing powers are awesome. When I was living back East, my energy would be drained after leaving my teaching job at the end of each day. I would drive to a nearby forest, and after walking among the Trees for a half hour I would be rejuvenated. This is the healing power that Trees offer us, and they give it to us freely—as long as they are alive and we don’t cut them down. If we continue to cut them down, they are gone…and then we will be too. My life has been a continual flow of merging myself with other kingdoms from lifetime to lifetime, carrying with me their divine essences as I make my eternal journey through the Stars. As we journey through life, we widen our scope of vision, heighten our perception, and expand our consciousness to encompass the divine in all life forms. Remember, all Creation is ONE…and knowing this, it was easy for me to connect with different species because I knew I was already divinely connected. You just have to know it before you can access this already existing thread of connection. The purpose of Trees and plant life is to express Love in merely BEING. Their silence is filled with enormous wisdom. They like us to share the silence with them, feel their energy, smell their fragrance, and BE with them in the experience of JUST BEING…and if you are quiet and commune with them, you will hear their thoughts. The vibration of their energy is a song that you can tap into when you are in harmony with yourself. When you tap into a Tree, you are reaching its heart: a Being of perhaps millions of years of existence. They are Mother Nature’s gift of life to us, providing us with the oxygen we need, food, and shelter. They say not to be in competition with the Earth by trying to do it our own way, because everything is already provided. Trees, flowers, rocks, birds, all have intelligence, and if you knew the scope of intelligence that exists in all things, you would be astounded! Once humankind realizes that we each are “ALL OF CREATION” and not just separated into the category called “humans”, a great shift in the evolution of our human species will occur. I AM ALL OF CREATION…and so are you. Hug a Tree, Dianne