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Book details
  • SubGenre:Diseases / Cancer
  • Language:English
  • Pages:96
  • Paperback ISBN:9781098328139

The Breast Thing that Happened to Me

Surviving cancer and reclaiming your Joy

by Elizabeth Hurley

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A cancer survivor's tale of the sudden upheaval of diagnosis and tools for self care during the process, including blank pages in back for journaling and notes.
A cancer survivor's tale of the sudden upheaval of diagnosis and tools for self care during the process, including blank pages in back for journaling and notes.
About the author
Liz considers breast cancer something that added enrichment to her life, and as a nurse of 31 years, she successfully navigated the path to healing and recovery. Although a cancer diagnosis is life changing and destabilizing, Liz found a renewed sense of purpose in life while processing the fallout. She likes to say, I'm not only surviving, I'm thriving, and you can, too. Individuals diagnosed with cancer or other debilitating diseases can use the tools within to live with joy!