THE BODY REJUVENATION CLEANSE is a food based detoxification and transformation program designed to transition you gradually off of unhealthy, disease causing foods and onto a higher quality whole foods diet.
Detoxification in the body goes on all the time. The organs of elimination include the liver, kidneys, bowel, lungs, and skin. The liver is responsible for about 75% of the detoxification process with the additional 25% of the body’s detoxification taking place in the intestinal tract, specifically by the microvilli which contain enzymes that induce detoxification. In addition, micro flora present in the gut produces compounds that help to clean the body. However, if too much bad bacteria is present in the gut and intestines, like yeast, it can actually inhibit the body from detoxifying. When the body is balanced and the flora in the gut is healthy flora, then the body can continue the detoxification process.
Our organs are responsible for dealing with so many dangerous environmental chemicals, from the air we breathe, the water we drink and the foods we eat, that if we are unhealthy, it becomes difficult for the body to rid itself of these toxins. If the body is in a state of optimal health, then it can do its job, putting these chemicals through a rigorous detoxification process. Why is this process important? It’s because we want our cells to be healthy and vital, not damaged or endangered. A damaged cell can lead to disease and cancer, especially if the immune system is not fully active and vigilant. Unfortunately, too few people are introduced to detoxification as a way of maintaining a balanced body and an optimal state of health. Often, they come to alternative health practitioners as a “last resort” after their bodily resources are compromised.
Because we know that health problems are multi-faceted, we have to find a means to treat the whole body. This is best accomplished by diet and an overall cleansing approach. In contrast, the medical “scientific” approach favors addressing one symptom, giving one diagnosis, and offering a drug to “suppress” the symptom. This may help with temporary symptomatic relief, but long-term this “solution” can further aggravate the problem, compromise the health of the individual and create additional health challenges.
The other problem that this approach creates is this: whereas one drug may be studied on a group of individuals, i.e., healthy, white, males, there are no studies showing what several drugs given together will do on an aging population. And, the use of multiple drugs can be extremely taxing to the organs, especially the liver, which is already occupied trying to take care of 75% of the body’s cleansing process.
What does the body have to detoxify? The list of environmental chemicals is nothing less than daunting. Here are a few: mercury, lead, drugs, food additives, dyes, hormones, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and petro-chemicals all preside invisibly in our air, water, and food supply.
The human body has the amazing ability to naturally cleanse. However, thousands of years ago our bodies didn’t have to deal with the present onslaught of toxic particles. Our body’s toxic overload is similar to what’s happening with the issue of global warming and our environment. We have created levels of pollutants that, in fact, have compromised our environment so critically, that scientists are finally warning us that if we keep it up, we will have serious consequences. It could take thousands of years for our body’s system of adaptation to take effect so, if we don’t intervene and support our body’s natural detoxification process, it may be too late.