ABCs of Baby#2 is jam-packed with great tips and real mom advice that you'll need during your transition from one child to two.
This book will help you:
prepare your older child for the leap from "only child" to "big sibling",
ease the jealousy,
make Dad a shining star,
conquer sleep issues,
achieve balance (be a first rate mom without putting yourself last),
stay organized,
and most importantly, get over the GUILT (Stop worrying and start enjoying your children!)
By now you've already heard, "If you think one is hard, just wait until you have two," or "Double the kids is double the work." These are the same well-meaning people who told you during your first pregnancy, "Boy, is your life going to change when you have a baby!" (As if you didn't know adding another human being to your family would change things?!)
We see the addition of the second child a little differently than your nosy neighbor: Your new arrival is nothing less than an adventure! Come along with us as we share all of the helpful advice we've gathered during our own parenting journeys.
After all, we've been there. We are two mothers of two, who also happen to be sisters (just 17 months apart) and best friends. While we can't change the diapers for you, we can offer support, and the best tips from moms who've seen it all before.
So now is your chance to do what you've always wanted to do: ignore the unhelpful advice from the lady on the street ―and make a mental note never to say the same thing to another mom-to-be!