Are the Giza pyramids a giant sundial pointing to the entrance to Edgar Cayce’s Hall of Records?
In 1935, America’s greatest psychic, Edgar Cayce, said that there is an ancient Hall of Records under the Sphinx. He said that this Hall of Records contains 32 stone tablets, which record the history of mankind from the beginning to the destruction of Atlantis in 10,000 B.C. Cayce said that the entrance to this Hall of Records is located by the right front forepaw of the Sphinx. In 1978 and 1982, electronic soundings by Stanford Research Institute indicated that there are underground chambers under a small stone box attached to the right side of the Sphinx. Could this be the entrance to the Hall of Records? In 2015, author Kirk Nelson discovered that at sunset on the equinox, the shadow of the second pyramid points directly to this box like a sundial. In this deep and far reaching book, Kirk connects the opening of Edgar Cayce’s Hall of Records to our future and the evolution of mankind to a golden age of peace and understanding.