Ladies, I wrote Stop Looking for Mr. Right and Give Him a Chance to Find You with you in mind. But, how can that be when I don't know you? Simply put, I have been where you are. I also personally know many women just like you - women from all different backgrounds and facets of life; women of different ages and colors; women who have suffered in the name of love; women who have so much to offer, but can't seem to find a good man to share it with; women who just want to be loved. It is for these women and you that I felt compelled to share what I have learned from life's lessons and God's Word. My earnest prayer is that you will glean something from my book that can give you complete peace. At the very least, my desire is that you will learn something that will spare you some of the heartache I've known. May God richly bless you and thank you for your support!