•Do you know deep in your heart there is more to life?
•Have you ever wondered why nothing is changing in your life? Do you feel like you are going one step forward, and two steps back?
•Are you constantly battling your self image and doubting that God is truly for you?
•Do you doubt yourself and your abilities? Do you constantly question who you are?
•Do fear, anxiety, insecurity, timidity or shame holding you back? Do you find it difficult to trust?
•Do you apologize for who you are? Do you feel that you aren’t good enough, that you don’t measure up?
•Do you come up with excuses “oh but…” because you feel inadequate as you speak?
•Do you feel a deep sense of shame, a lack of self worth, or feel that there is something wrong with you?
•Are you always being taken advantage of, made powerless because you feel trapped, unable to express an opinion because of crippling fear and insecurity?
It is time to smash the lie of SELF-EFFACEMENT, a debilitating disease that causes a person to merely “exist”, living an unfulfilled life.
It is a curse upon a society fearful to present truth to the world. It is a cultural disease that causes a society and its citizens to live a life that doesn’t reach its full potential. The time of living the lesser life is over. It is time for you to come out of, and away from, old ways of living and being.