About the author
Jude Southerland Kessler was born in Alexandria, LA. She decided at an early age that she wanted to be an author.
In 1971, Jude attended Northwestern State University, received two degrees (in English and history) in three years with a 4.0 average. She won a graduate assistantship to The University of Maryland in 1974 and received her master’s degree in English in 1976.
Jude has taught English on the junior high, high school, and college levels. She was an English instructor at The University of Maryland and at Troy State University in Alabama.
In 1986, Jude began The John Lennon Series, a 9-volume work on the life of John Lennon. She collected an extensive Lennon library of over 300 books, numerous interview CD’s and DVD’s, periodicals, and interview tapes. Kessler took multiple trips to Liverpool, England to interview John Lennon’s childhood friends, early band members, art college mates, family, and business associates.
Establishing a reputation as the foremost Lennon expert, Kessler began to speak to organizations across the United States. She was the Guest Speaker for the Pennsylvania state convention of the Daughters of The British Empire, the Penn State Beatles Symposium, and the U. of Pennsylvania Beatles conference. She wrote for the Kansas City "Beatlefan" magazine and toured the United States interviewing “Beatle people” living in this country (including May Pang, George Harrison’s sister, Louise, and Paul McCartney’s sister, Ruth).
In late November of 2007, Kessler published the first historical narrative in The John Lennon Series, the result of twenty years of research into Lennon’s life. Entitled Shoulda Been There, it is a scholarly work, including an Encyclopedia of Historical Characters (with bios of each individual who influenced Lennon’s early life), a Scouse (Liverpudlian) Glossary, and annotations for each chapter. This expanded biography reads like a narrative, although it is a researched and footnoted work.
In 2010, Kessler released the second volume in The John Lennon Series, Shivering Inside. This book (formatted identically with Shoulda Been There) details John’s life from 1961 (when The Beatles acquired a manager and left Liverpool) to mid-April 1963 when the band rose to British fame and stood on the brink of “The British Invasion” of America.
Kessler has just published the third volume in that series, She Loves You (April 1963-March 1964) in which The Beatles become Number One in America, play The Ed Sullivan Show, Carnegie Hall, and their first American concert in Washington, D.C.
Kessler has been selected as a Guest Author for The Fest for Beatles Fans in New York City, Chicago, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles, as well as serving as Guest Author for BeatlesFestWest in San Francisco and BeatExpo in Stanford, CT. She was the “2008 Featured Author” for the Melrose Arts Festival in Louisiana and was a keynote speaker for the Philadelphia “Women’s Night of Commerce” in April 2009. Kessler is the Authors and Artists Chairperson for the 2014 Beatles At the Ridge Festival.
She is currently touring the United States speaking to civic groups, book clubs, and social organizations, and was featured on BBC’s “Up All Night” radio show in 2010. She has twice been a guest on ABC radio from Australia. May Pang and Cynthia Neilsen featured Kessler on their program, “Dinner Specials” in February 2014.
She is also the host of the weekly radio show, The John Lennon Hour, where she has interviewed such distinguished guests as Pete Best, Freda Kelly, Ken Mansfield, Dennis Ferrante, Dr. Ken Womack, Dr. Kit O’Toole, and Charles Snapp of Beatles at the Ridge.
Her in-print books sell via: http://www.johnlennonseries.com