Jude Southerland Kessler is the author of Shoulda Been There, Shivering Inside, She Loves You, and Should Have Known Better, Vols. 1-4 in The John Lennon Series. She was a contributing author to New Critical Perspectives on The Beatles: Things We Said Today and is the official blogger for The Fest for Beatles Fans. She was the Chairperson for the GRAMMY Museum of MS's Beatles Symposium (2016) and has chaired the Beatles at the Ridge Symposium for seven years (2012-2019). Co-host of the "She Said She Said" radio show with author Lanea Stagg, she speaks annually at the Fest for Beatles Fans in New York and Chicago. In researching The John Lennon Series, Jude traveled to Liverpool seven times to interview John's childhood friends, art college mates, early members of the band, and business associates. She also hosted "The John Lennon Hour" on BeatlesARama Radio for four years as well as "The John Lennon Hour" on BlogTalk Radio.