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Book details
  • SubGenre:Healing / Prayer & Spiritual
  • Language:English
  • Series title:School of the Spirit
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:200
  • eBook ISBN:9798350961195
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350928570

School of the Spirit, Vol. 1; The Power of Living as a New Creation

by Mark Judy

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The New Testament reality of living as a New Creation from our reborn spirit is the most vital subject any Christian believer will ever undertake to comprehend and walk out.

Absolutely Every single aspect of what we could call “the Christian life” stems from this one reality. There is Nothing that you could ascribe to the Christian life that does not Begin with understanding how to live from your reborn Spirit as a New Creation in Christ Jesus.

Some Key Focal Points of the book include:

*Living & Functioning From Our Spirit as a New Creation

*The Spiritual Mindset of the New Creation

*The Spiritual Language of the New Creation

*Components of Spiritual Situational Awareness

*Discerning Spiritual Timing & Seasons

*Refining & Sharpening Your Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit

*Getting Unstuck From the Soul Realm

*Stewarding Your Gifting and Calling

As we approach yet another New Year, determine to invest in your own spiritual growth and strengthening, because that is what you are going to transfer to your family and those in your circle of influence those that God has brought into your life to build up.
The School of the Spirit series is designed to ground the Spirit-filled believer in the basics of Apostolic New Testament Christianity. No, I'm not talking about a denomination. I'm talking about The Apostolic New Testament Christianity as set forth by the apostles themselves, and from which we were never intended to deviate— but tragically, North American churchianity has veered completely off course from what God has intended. Virtually none of what the apostles established for the early church to live by is observed in our time. Instead, we have the traditions and doctrines of men substituted in place of New Testament spiritual life. In this first book of the series, "The Power of Living as a New Creation", we take a deep and concentrated look through spiritual eyes at the all-encompassing reality of being a born-again, new creation Child of God, and provide a complete spiritual foundation of what a New Creation believer is designed by God Himself to live and function like. Our journey will take us through all of the apostolic letters of the New Testament that were filled with divine revelation, intended to illuminate & empower each and every believer with Living Spiritual Truth.
About the author
Mark Judy is also the author of "Being Discipled by the Holy Spirit", as well as the creator of the cutting-edge discipleship podcast, "Vigilance for the Endtimes", and the Jericho Chronicle News Magazine. He also served as Men's Discipleship Coordinator for the Regeneration Center in South Florida in the early 1990s. Raised in the Presbyterian Church as a young man, Mark's life took a profoundly dramatic turn when, in the Summer of 1978, he had a life-changing vision of Jesus Christ being crucified for him. A short time later, he was baptized in the Holy Spirit in Jacksonville, Florida, and began outreach ministry to the homeless. His darling wife of over 19 years went home to be with the Lord in November 2020, after a 16-year battle with chronic illness. He can be reached via email at markgjudy2019@gmail.com.

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