Sarah's Second Chance is the story of Sarah Brooks, an emotionally abused wife who, after her husband's disturbing death, begins rebuilding her shattered life. Set in the Vietnam era and present day, this book about second chances will appeal to readers who enjoy stories about women who are oppressed by life but find the courage to master their circumstances and live again. Sarah's Second Chance is an emotionally rich story that will resonate among a passionate group of women readers, especially those who have been touched an emotionally abusive situation, who kept their hope alive through their struggles and went on to rebuild their lives. As a young lady, Sarah Brooks let infatuation cloud her thinking as her wedding bliss became a sudden reality. She is soon devastated when she realizes she had committed to an emotionally abusive marriage that she works hard for years to hide with a smile and survive by thinking… things will get better. Throughout her controlled marriage to Glenn, she was bewildered by his manipulation and fear. After his death (a disturbing death with his Dallas mistress) and through kindness of friends, Sarah finds value in her life once again. Sarah finding herself alone…decides to move from the city to her country farmhouse, located in the tidal basin of southeast Georgia near her friend Carrie. Carrie was observant of Sarah and encouraged her to reach out and try new things, but Sarah was suffering painful flashbacks with Glenn. She often called Dr. Freeman for help. Carrie and Sarah's dog Bob were her constant motivators who aided her in rebuilding her life. Well after a year of her move, Sarah blossomed and began to change into a lovely but fragile woman. Through her trusted friendships she meets Jim Alexander, a marine construction builder, who is instantly captivated by Sarah and her timid dark brown eyes. Sarah is awakened by his charms but remains reserved because the wounds of her marriage have not yet healed. With the help of Jim's cousin, their lives cross again and it is his determined gentlemanly manner and her talents as an interior decorator that brought about their next meeting. Over time, while she is reworking parts of his ancestral home, he demonstrates to Sarah that he is a humble man with a mosaic past who will treat her with respect. As the relationship between Jim and Sarah grows, a twisting past connection is discovered. In the late sixties, Sarah was befriended by an older woman whose son was in Vietnam. In her letters to him, she mentions several times a struggling brown eyed girl she admires. This creates a yearning inside of the soldier for the warmth and kindness of such a sweet girl. Unknowing to Sarah, her visual image has given him hope. When Sarah and her husband unexpectedly move away, the woman loses contact and her son Jim pines for years over his loss of this sweet young lady he never met. The discovery of their past connection and the revelation that Sarah is the dream Jim had never forgotten reinforces his care for Sarah and adds a new level of admiration in Sarah's commitment to him. With a knowing heart Sarah begins to realize it is time to let go of her past and trust her heart. She slowly gives way to Jim instead of looking for reasons influenced by her past to doubt and reject him. Jim was pleased as their relationship changed from business related, into a friendship, then into a caring relationship. During months of construction and redecorating and his near tragic work time away from Sarah, Jim's love, and adoration for her never wavers. Sarah's emotional growth for Jim builds from reserved suspicion, to limited relenting…then blossoms into true devotion for these second timers.