This book will motivate to reach your dreams, and become your goals a reality.
Don’t underestimate your dreams
Glowing dreams can help you to reach a higher plane in your life and develop a constant vision of triumph that will augment your happiness.
You can be a missionary
That binomial, divine-human combination, is the source of power to do great enterprises that will leave prints of hope in humanitarian service.
Rejecting mediocrity and despair
In an audacious moment, impelled by desperation, she lifted up her vision and started dreaming for a better tomorrow. She refused to live a mediocre life!
Miracle Visas
In my amazement, I didn’t realize that God had done another miracle in my life by granting me a US Resident Visa in just two weeks!
The consul’s unexpected words “Please help us to make our nation better” made me think that they are expecting me to help to improve the morality of this country.
The American Dream
The full meaning of the American Dream is to enjoy liberty, love, peace, and justice for all.
“Dear children, we’ve come to this country to succeed! We must fight the good battle; we must be strong and courageous.”
“The plant being under the shadow of a tree doesn’t grow perfectly.”
Becoming USA Licensed Architect
For three months of preparation for the exams, I was isolated from the exterior world. No weekend reunions, no visiting, no TV programs, nor any kind of distraction. My study concentration would be one hundred percent!
For the grace of God, my greatest dream became a reality: “Becoming a licensed architect in the State of California!”
Not by might or power
“Dad, they draw graffiti on our house. It’s time to get a gun!”
In a peaceful manner I said, “Son, it’s time to trust The Lord more!”
A miracle happened! Invisible holy beings were in charge of cleaning up evil from our neighborhood. Two weeks after, we were in complete peace!
Solving financial issues
The divine answer highlighted two important finance principles:
“Never spend more than what you earn;”
“Maximize your income, minimize your expenses.”
“You are not an island.” That is true! Your life, in different circumstances, had received enormous influence of other people around you, even when you are not aware of that fact.
Trust in The Lord
Love and hate seem to be shown on each face of “the emotional coin
This man had made a painful mistake, a wrong priority: He had put his believe in his girlfriend, rather than the unfailing God!
The best investment: Your family
Another excellent insurance policy for your future that is worth to invest is your family! Make your family a personal corporation!
Your children will always represent for you a good future and security!
Set your eyes on high
When a good opportunity comes, do not be pusillanimous, but accept it without hesitation.
Do not look down, because your eyes will see just the wretchedness of this world, and you will have more chances to fall. Set your eyes on the highest, and your eyes will see the celestial places where you’ll desire to go.
Our heavenly citizenship
By the Grace of God, you and I will become citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom!