C.1 Challenges to preach the gospel. There is something fascinating about mission trips. It captures your heart and mind. Each mission trip fuels your vision and gives you the advantage to make a better world. Don’t wait for poor or needy people to come to you; you should go out there to seek them.
C.2 Missionary Commitment. A mission trip is a life-changing experience, not only do the people you serve changes, but it impacts team members as well. When you go on mission trips you’ll be entrusted to be an efficient partaker of God’s Grace, a planter of precious saving faith, an ambassador of hope, and a messenger of love!
C.3 Preaching in Russia. Russia had considerable changes since 1989, when the “iron curtain” was unveiled and their people enjoyed the zest of freedom. Faith and hope ignited the heart of Russian people and doors were opened for preaching the gospel of eternal salvation. It was not a chance to enter the Russian Empire. It was in the precise moment when they opened the doors allowing us to preach the gospel. Afterward, the doors were closed again.
C.4 The tempest is coming. In our world, we are enjoying apparent tranquility, but when looking at the distance we can see, and even smell the tempest is coming. It’s time to get ready for Jesus’ coming!
C.5 One day at the court of Ethiopia. We went on foot to the Courthouse, more than one mile far, the healed Judge, who some moments before, could not be able to seat in the right position, now was strongly walking with us leading the group. The Judges were happy and thoughtful after listening to God’s Word.
C.6 Talking with a communist in Venezuela. We shouldn’t forget that everyone needs God in life, the young and the old; the rich and the poor; the educated and the ignorant; even on the street or at home.
C.7 Reconciled. Their marriage has been saved, by the grace of God and the power of His Holy Word!
C.8 Suicidal edge. The worst situation for you is the best opportunity for God to help! Lift up your eyes! Change your life’s focus. God has a wonderful future for you and your children!”
C.9 Preaching in the Dominican Republic. This unique people were always ready to assimilate new truths, fight for a better life, and seize the hope of eternal life! Mend your ways and your doings now, and know the joy of obeying the voice of your Heavenly Father.
C.10 The story of Vicky. Vicky was slightly sick in her body, but spiritually, she was very sick, feeling so guilty and miserable, to the point of committing suicide! The solution came from above! She repented, abundant tears wetted her face. She made a touching prayer asking forgiveness from the Lord!
C.11 Preaching at Indonesia. During the evaluation I thanked Helfried, and many church members congratulated him for his excellent translation. His humble response was, “The Holy Spirit must have spoken through me; I really don’t know what I’ve said”.
C.12 Dracula’s bride. The missing oldest daughter named Emerald, twenty-one years old, had been having a strange behavior. She disturbed her house most of the times. She invoked evil spirit, calling herself “Dracula’s bride”.
C.13 Malawi, Africa. The attendant in the last Sabbath Day reached four thousand people, from Mbalanguzy and Chinyenyedi. More than 600 people were baptized.
C.14 Meeting opposition at Nandyal, India. On another evening, right after our meeting ended, another complaining man entered the auditorium, approached the platform and started yelling. He was challenging the gospel workers to a fight. Praise God, the opposition we met from these men ended happily! The Holy Spirit made the miracle of transforming our enemies into good friends.
C.15 Miracles. We have seen God’s wonderful miracles, in our evangelistic meetings, and I am a witness of His Power.