Just as the course of a river brings the substance of life to the soil of the earth, the word of the Lord is powerful within mouths of men. It is intended to bring life to the very ground upon which we stand. The voice of the Lord is the voice of many waters and that voice is working in us and through us to bring about His life in every way.
In order for us to be the prophetic people that God has called us to be, we must understand the foundations of prophetic ministry. When we know God's way, we can easily recognize God's work.
True prophetic ministry must bring us to where we see Jesus. It is the power of God's Word and Spirit together which will bring change in our lives. Prophetic ministry is a revealing ministry and not a ministry of "secrets". We must allow Holy Spirit to reveal hinderances in our lives that prevent us from recognizing the true testimony of Jesus.
True prophetic ministry will:
• Exhibit the principle of increase and life.
• Produce the evidence of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
• See things as they are in heaven, not as they are on earth.
• Promote God seeking, not self-seeking.
• Draw us closer to God and the Body of Christ.
• Be true to the character of God.
• Testify to the realities of heaven
• Exhibit new covenant ministry.