Ted J. Hanson has written several books, including Spiritual Man, The New Testament Prophet, Properly Judging Prophetic Ministry, Prophetic Ministry – A Ministry of Life, The Redeemed Earth –Healing the Curse of the Fall, The Seven Eyes of Grace, Generational Leadership, Authority – Contorl? or Release!, For His Glory – You Have Been Left Behind, Christ Unveiled – A Revelation of Jesus Christ, Hearing The Voice andThe NOW Covenant – Christ In You the Hope of Glory. He also writes weekly blogs at www.ted4you.comand www.ted4leaders.com.
Ted J. Hanson's books are intended to equip and raise up strong believers in Christ. He leads a training school known as Christ Life Training (www.christlifetraining.org) and ministers globally through House of Bread Ministry (www.houseofbreadministry.org). Ted travels to various places throughout the U.S. as well as other countries. He is a dynamic preacher/teacher who has a heart to share, uncompromisingly, the Word of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He holds a bachelor of theology and masters of biblical studies through Christian International Ministries Network and is ordained through Abundant Life Ministries and House of Bread Ministry. He has served to plant and establish many ministries.