About the author
Professor Gary Solomon is a retired tenured professor of psychology. Professor
Solomon fathered, defined and popularized Cinematherapy®, a form of therapy
using movies for their therapeutic messages. Reel Therapy® is Professor
Solomon's second book on the subject of Cinematherapy®. His third book is
entitled Cinemaparenting®. As a psychologist and an expert on the subject of
psychiatric diagnosis and has written two books on psychiatric disorders, A
Psychiatric Diagnosis Primer and Psych 101. Using his understanding of
psychiatric disorders, he wrote a novel, A Ballad for Allison Porter, a
psychological thriller. Being the creative person he is, Professor Solomon has
written two plays. Boxcar, the story of Woody Guthrie and Cannibals and
Headhunters, a psychologist decent into madness. Professor Solomon likes to call
himself a "wordsmith" and has written many books on word play, as well as a
children's book, Why is Brian so Fat?. Professor Solomon's most recent books are
HOA Academy and HOA: Crisis in America, a most unique FREE on-line book
about the effects on homeowners who live in Homeowners Associations (HOAs).
To learn more about Professor Solomon: hoaacademy.com, hoacrisisinamerica.com, hoasyndrome.com, pitythepoorfool.com, hoaboardmonitoringservices.com, or cinema-therapy.com.
To contact Professor Solomon or to engage him as an expert witness: Dr. Robin Huhn, 702.812.4599 or robinhuhndc@gmail.com.