If you are a young adult just starting out on your own, this guide contains important information you need that you probably didn't learn in school. Working your first job and living in your own home or apartment is a big step. There is still much to learn about being on your own. You have your own bank accounts, probably a loan or two, and your own car. Where do you go from here?
This guide answers many of these questions including:
• Personal Finance - Budgets, Income and Expenses, Bank Accounts, Understanding Credit, Protecting Your Information, Insurance, Investment and Retirement Accounts, and Taxes.
• Home and Apartment Living - Buying a House, Preventative Maintenance, Repairs, Computer Maintenance, Lawn Mower Maintenance, and Emergency Plans.
• Car Emergency and Maintenance - Money Saving Tips, Your License and Car Registration, Preventative Maintenance, Repairs, and Accidents and Insurance Claims.
• Your Health - Physical Activity, Nutrition, Health Checkups, and Health Insurance.