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Book details
  • Genre:HUMOR
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:112
  • eBook ISBN:9781667867816
  • Paperback ISBN:9781792374692

Near Miss America

by Lavinia Cox and Howard Elgison

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"So who would want to be first runner-up rather than Miss America?" you ask. I did. And while it doesn't get you as much fame, it's a whole lot more fun—as you'll see from reading about my beauty queen adventures and misadventures.
"Who celebrates being first runner-up?" you might ask. I did. So much so that I even ended the book with a rap song about it—Southern, beauty queen rap, that is. Runner-up Rap I'm not Miss America But I'm still pumped 'Cause I love being The first runner-up It's a lifetime job Being Miss America But we runners-up Can hang up our tiaras And no one remembers Who came in second So I don't have to fret When the media beckons Former Miss Americas Gotta look swell But first runners-up Can just be ourselves
About the author

I began as a jock. Almost every waking moment was spent playing basketball in the winter and tennis in the summer. While injuries ultimately sidelined me, those two sports were my favorite activities. I have raised two amazing children, had a career in cosmetics that spanned 25 years, and weathered the ebb and flow of life with a big smile and a big heart. Then someone suggested I write a book about it. So I did.