Follow along with the adventures of Nate, a fun-loving, curious little gnat who wants to do big things! But Nate has to discover what makes him special.
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Follow along with the adventures of Nate, a fun-loving, curious little gnat who wants to do big things! But Nate has to discover what makes him special. The "Nate the Gnat" series is also designed to help kids learn to read. Each book will tackle a difficult vowel or consonant blend. The books are suitable for very young readers up to any age of student who struggles to learn certain sounds.
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About the author
Kaye Wright is a writer, singer, songwriter, teacher, actor, and speaker. She has been teaching theater in the public school system for 19 years and has directed and produced several stage productions. In the classroom, she enjoys helping students overcome their stage fright and become more confident in using their gifts and talents. She recalls writing stories and poems as a child, singing in various venues throughout her lifetime, participating in Drama Club productions in high school, and working with children of various ages. As a theater teacher, she has seen the need to help students sharpen their reading and writing skills. She has now found a way to bring all of her passions together! It is her belief that all children and adults need to be validated by knowing that they have something special, something they were given at birth, the thing that seems easy for them but impossible for someone else. Her works are designed to bring people to a reality of what is really important in life - encouraging and building up each other to promote health and welfare for the current and future generations.
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