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Book details
  • SubGenre:Diet & Nutrition / Weight Loss
  • Language:English
  • Pages:455
  • eBook ISBN:9781609849610

Lose the Weight You Hate

by Ritchie C. Shoemaker, MD

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Finally, a weight loss book that not only is enjoyable to read, but is also jam packed with "how-to-do-it" based on 20 years of clinical practice and obesity research. The No-Amylose Diet (bet you haven't tried it yet) is a fresh approach to a tired subject that usually features some variation on the wrong-headed ideas that "the way to lose weight is to cut back on calories, avoid fat and get small amounts of exercise regularly." Sorry, we have tried that approach for years and it just doesn't work. Just look at the maintenance rate for patients who use the "expert advice." Less than 10% of patients lose 30 pounds and less than 5% of that group keeps the weight off at 1 year follow-up. That advice is worthless, yet just look at the New Years' resolutions to push away from the table and go for a 30 minute jog. That's no way to lose weight! It won't work for very long.
Finally, a weight loss book that not only is enjoyable to read, but is also jam packed with "how-to-do-it" based on 20 years of clinical practice and obesity research. The No-Amylose Diet (bet you haven't tried it yet) is a fresh approach to a tired subject that usually features some variation on the wrong-headed ideas that "the way to lose weight is to cut back on calories, avoid fat and get small amounts of exercise regularly." Sorry, we have tried that approach for years and it just doesn't work. Just look at the maintenance rate for patients who use the "expert advice." Less than 10% of patients lose 30 pounds and less than 5% of that group keeps the weight off at 1 year follow-up. That advice is worthless, yet just look at the New Years' resolutions to push away from the table and go for a 30 minute jog. That's no way to lose weight! It won't work for very long. And it can't. Fat storage is a complex process that is based on genetically controlled insulin levels and the response of insulin to the rate of rise of blood sugar following a meal. The controlling factor on insulin release isn't the number of calories we eat, but the effect of those calories on blood sugar. Foods that turn to sugar (glucose) quickly, like all amylose starches, corn syrup (low-fat foods make us fat), maltodextrins and table sugar (sucrose) set off the insulin fat storage machinery like crazy. Most of us with weight problems really aren't self-indulgent overeaters. Most of us hate our extra weight and wish we could eat like those skinny friends of ours who eat more than we do! Lose the Weight You Hate takes us seriously, as well as our obesity related health problems. Cholesterol? Boy, have we been sold a bill of goods! Learn what really is going on with cholesterol (Chapters 10 and 11) before you swallow another statin drug that you might not need. How about the CDC talking about the national explosion of diabetes and obesity? They want us to think it is all because of our triple cheeseburgers and fries. Wrong! The chapter (14) on environmental acquisition of diabetes and obesity will knock your socks off. Learn what immune system factors, pro-inflammatory cytokines (yes, it is time to learn the medical terms), do to our insulin receptors (and therefore our insulin storage of the sugar we eat as fat). Look why our environmental exposures are the greatest threat to our waistlines. But there is hope when facts about the health effects of our changing lifestyles and our increasing use of chemicals act as a basis for improved weight control. Even better, Chapter 13 will show you how an FDA approved medication, Avandia, currently marketed to help treat diabetes, actually is a fantastic weight loss aid in those folks with "insulin resistance." In an academic paper, featured at the 83rd Endocrine Society meetings this past June (2001), the author proves that avoiding amylose and adding Avandia gave the most difficult weight loss patients he treats a terrific boost in burning fat. Moreover, look where the ladies lost the weight-their hips! How many patients would like to lose their tummy safely, with a diet that is a new, enjoyable lifestyle not an exercise in self-torture. Speaking of exercise, if you are like most of us, you don't have the minimum of 12 hours per week (that's right, 12 hours)to sweat off those few pounds. Quit being a masochist! If you want to exercise and have the time, great, have fun. But don't think that walking 3 miles an hour will do anything significant for a jelly roll. It just won't work. With 18 chapters, case studies and 50 enjoyable original recipes mixed in with hard science and an amusing outlook on life and weight loss, Lose the Weight You Hate is worth reading over and over again. 455 pages, index, glossary and appendices and a chapter on Childhood Obesity complete the text.
About the author
Ritchie Shoemaker, M. D., is a recognized leader in patient care, research and education pioneer in the field of biotoxin related illness. While illness acquired following exposure to the interior environment of water-damaged buildings (WDB) comprises the bulk of Shoemaker’s daily practice, other illnesses caused by exposure to biologically produced toxins are quite similar in their “final common pathway.” What this means is that while the illness might begin acutely with exposure to fungi, spirochetes, apicomplexans, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria, for example, in its chronic form, each of these illnesses has similar symptoms, lab findings and Visual Contrast Sensitivity findings. Taken together the inflammatory illness from each of these diverse sources is known as a Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. The few sentences above might make one think that the path of discovery of the complex abnormalities of innate immune physiology now confirmed to be present was simple. Frankly, none of the “players,” as one might call C4a, TGF beta-1 and MMP9 or the genetic susceptibility from the immune response genes HLA DR, was known in 1997, the first year of Shoemaker’s odyssey into the world of unusual diseases. Beginning with Pfiesteria, a dinoflagellate that killed fish and sickened over 300 people along the estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay from 1997-2001, Shoemaker has looked at multisystem, multisymptom illness with an environmental source as his “Holy Grail.” Indeed, finding the answers to countless questions raised by biotoxin illnesses has provided help, and for some, cure, with illnesses defined by symptoms alone such as fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Shoemaker says, “I suspect that the next textbook of autoimmunity and rheumatology will be one dedicated to treating high TGF beta-1 and restoring control of T-regulatory cells. Similarly, no one will be seen for neurological deficits and pulmonary problems without consideration of nerves and lungs as targets of innate immune responses gone haywire. As it is now we see unusual cases of multiple sclerosis, idiopathic juvenile arthritis, interstitial lung disease and many others unveiled as treatable conditions where the therapeutic target is lack of regulation of innate immune inflammation. Dr. Shoemaker has dedicated his life and career to uncovering the link between the toxic stew found in many of our buildings and homes, and the vast amount of misdiagnosed and catch-all ailments physicians often assign patients for whom they cannot offer any real treatment. By uncovering the real science behind these illnesses, and attacking the problem with clinical studies and sound research techniques, Dr. Shoemaker leads the way in not only identifying the true cause of these afflictions, but also in curing those whom the medical community deemed incurable. He truly feels it is imperative patients educate themselves, and has committed his time and resources to providing them with the tools they need for their survival. Dr. Shoemaker graduated from Duke University where he received honors in undergraduate and medical degrees. He is a practicing physician in Pocomoke City, MD, and conducts research with collaborators on an international basis. His dedication to his patients and his advancement of medicine through research has been recognized often, including receipt of the Maryland Academy of Family Practice Physician of the Year 2000 award, which was followed by an award as a finalist in the National competition for 2002. Shoemaker is asked to lecture to academic and lay audiences alike, with addresses to the US House of Representative and Senate. Dr. Shoemaker has published eight books, the newest being Surviving Mold, and has numerous publications in scientific research journals, on audio and video tapes and in newspapers. He has made many presentations at scientific meetings, and has frequently appeared on television. Look for his upcoming show on Mystery Diagnosis in 2011. Dr. Shoemaker was the lead committee member of the July 2010 Policy Holders of America position paper – “Research Committee Report on Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Caused by Exposure to the Interior Environment of Water Damaged Buildings.” This treatise is widely noted to be the most through, rigorous and transparent of all the discussions of illness from WDB. Dr. Shoemaker's lectures are known for their enthusiastic presentation of thought provoking ideas. Whether his speech is educational or motivational, he is an entertaining speaker with a stimulating approach to thinking that will challenge the listener. Shoemaker is at home when he is in the wooded wetlands of his beloved Eastern Shore of Maryland. Whether he is building Nature Trails, creating non-tidal wetlands or a demonstration tidal wetland garden for the Town of Pocomoke City, Maryland, he is fond of a hammer and a shovel. Shoemaker is married to JoAnn Jasinski, his bride of nearly thirty years, a long-time pre-school educator. Their daughter, Sally, is following her own path in life as a teacher in environmental sciences.