While the war between the Alliance (comprised of expatriated soldiers from the United States, England, France, and Australia) and the Resistance (a union of European and Asian countries focused on world conquest) rages, the genetically modified species wage their own battles. Through the bloodshed, one antihero has risen to power; Cougar Reed. Now 19 years old, Cougar is married and his young wife is with a child. Joining Cougar's ever-growing list of enemies is Taipan; the most powerful Timere ever created. Cougar must maintain his focus on the war, while at the same time dealing with the extremely lethal enemies that have aligned against him. As the conflict escalates the price of the war continues to grow. Casualties pile up and dreams are fulfilled while others die a painful death. Now a new Timere has awakened into the world; the Mistress of Death... Black Widow. The gears of war will not cease to allow the young Reed time to catch his breath. His old nemesis is still alive and the Pride is more lethal than before.