My wife says that, although my writings of may often deal with "church", to her, they are not very "churchy". And she's the brightest bulb on the family tree. In truth, my "pouring out" here in this book is testament to my search and my struggle for truth, peace, and, if I am lucky, a sliver of joy. Life's hard! Sometimes it feels like we've jumped inside a clothes dryer for a "tumble dry". And around and round we go! Or, maybe it's like the title of this book. Any way you look at it, life's a struggle. Get used to it! But the Good News is that struggle is not necessarily our adversary. It is rather, more often than not, an asset, once we stop trying to reject it and to obliterate it, - and turn our efforts towards embracing it. Its then that we begin to grow in ways we never knew existed. So read up! I bet the struggle will do you good, as it does for me.