Are you tired of being miserable? I was until I realized I couldn't drive a nail with an over-ripe banana. I didn't have any tools. I hit the big cold world with a GED and no skills, social or otherwise. The only way I knew to solve people problems was to get angry or blame some one else, .so obviously I never solved anything.
I let a clerk sell me a hideous sport coat. Every time I put it one, I got mad again. I let a car salesman sell me a car I didn't want. I let a real estate agent sell me some property I knew was not a good investment. I did things for people I didn't want to do then blamed them for asking. It was not their fault, it was my fault. People told me what to think, how to talk, how to dress,and what color to paint my house. I let people make me miserable for sixty years.
One day some one said something that suggested I was born without a brain and should stop breathing to conserve oxygen. That's when I made up my mind to find a way to make apple pie out of the garbage people threw at me. As I talked to others I found many of them had the same problems I had.
For years I analyzed my past. I collected pieces from my life and others until I finally had the recipe for my first pie.
Everything around me is just like it has always been, the boss, the weather, my wife, my kids,. the church people, my neighbors, everything. Nothing has changed. I just changed the way I solve people problems. You can too.