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Book details
  • SubGenre:Mysticism
  • Language:English
  • Pages:205
  • eBook ISBN:9781624881411

Imagery In You: Mining for Treasure in your Inner World

by Jenny Garrison

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When you give attention to the images that you hold in your soul, you are moved to your own wholeness. Your inner images offer a treasure troveof information, stories, and surprises that can teach, comfort, and heal you. This book will show you how to quiet your mind and call forth the images that are waiting within to make themselves known to you.
Imagery is the natural ability to invite and receive the helpful image from within one's inner self. At last! Here is a simple guide that will open the doors of your inner world for you. In this landmark guide, the author leads you into your inner world by using the steadfast formula of a simple recipe. In your inner world, you can call forth teachers, helpers, and guides who will lead you to your fullest growth and creative expression. Explore inner journeys to a special place, to an inner chapel, and to the garden of your soul. Meet with teachers, animals, and inner companions. Explore health issues, body wisdom, and the vast domain of your heart. In an easy, comfortable style this book will take you by the hand and lead you to your deepest truth.
About the author
Jenny Garrison’s work with imagery was born from a longing to explore the frontier of the human inner world. She found this longing fulfilled in the study and practice of imagery. Imagery awakens our human gift of sacred imagination. In her writing and teaching, Jenny seeks to make this gift accessible to everyone. Common insights gained through imagery include but are not limited to: -Self-Understanding -Deepened Spiritual Connection -Healing -Communication with the Invisible World -Relaxation -The pure joy of freedom in the Inner World Her background includes many aspects of nursing and certifications with The Academy For Guided Imagery and The International Institute for Visualization Research as a student of Eligio S. Gallegos. Jenny is the author of Imagery In You: Mining For Treasure in your Inner World and the audio CD “Gentle Yoga With Jenny Garrison”. She teaches imagery throughout the U.S. and gentle Kripalu-style yoga in Wellsboro, Pa. Her workshops are gentle, informative, and experiential. Learn more about Jenny and her work at www.imageryinyou.com