I AM ETERNAL; YOU ARE ETERNAL is a book based on my near-death experience and my six blissful trips to Heaven plus two other Angel encounters. It is spiritual and inspirational; while also being unapologetically, religious and political. My book is filled with what Jesus told me and the directions he gave me for people to live their human experience well. We are all souls having a human experience. I flat-lined seven times in a Chicago area Hospital; my experience is in Good Sam's Medical records. While being truthful and sharing my real story; my book is also filled with inspiration, gratitude, guidance and resilience. I have had an incredibly difficult life filled with abuse and major health and sight issues. If you live Liberal like Jesus, you will love this book. You will also understand how being afraid to speak the truth is what crucified Jesus and what has allowed Hitler and Trump to come to power. So many people hide behind lies and are fake Christians. I speak the truth. And, I have put gratitude into my everyday practices. Gratitude helps me see the blessings in the most difficult situations. Plus, I have a heart for charities. I support 47 charities regularly and I have for years. I live simply so that 20% of my income can go to help others and to save our planet. All proceeds from the sale of this book go to DigDeep.org. - 2.2 million people in the United States don't have running water in their home. Much of DigDeep's work is in the Navajo and Appalachian areas of America. Running water changes lives forever... The editors of my book are Jewish... I hope that my book will help you to overcome tribulation and health dramas and to find your own strength and the truth. If so, this will be a rewarding journey for us all. My story is personal and it is told from my heart. We are all Eternal; our soul is eternal. I hope my book will set you on a path towards truth and wisdom.... "We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended." Kevin Sorbo ... The way you live this life will determine your afterlife and your next human experience.
P Diane Chambers, author - I Am Eternal; You Are Eternal