About the author
The author is a retired professor of creative writing and English composition. She began her teaching career at Eastern Washington University. Later, while she was teaching at Columbia Basin College, she was hired to create a "ground up" adult literacy program. The success of that program pulled her into social service work, and from 1997 to 2003, she managed non-profit social service programs and taught composition courses in the evening.
She has a B.S. degree in elementary education and a Master of Fine Arts Degree in creative writing from Eastern Washington University. Several of her poems have been published in literary journals. Her soon to be published eBooks include two children's poetry books, several picture books, and a children's middle-grade novel. She presently lives in Sarasota, Florida with her parrot, Sabastian, just an hour's drive from two of her daughter's and five of her grandchildren. Since her retirement, she is a starving but very happy writer.