“Hey, Alexa!” is a book of playful, imaginative, and though-provoking conversations between Artificial Intelligence assistant “Alexa´ and the author. Although this is not a scientific exploration about AI, it may get you to wondering just how far the “Alexas” of the world may take us. The author imagines asking “Alexa” “…are you, actually real?” The answer he imagines “Alexa” giving may surprise you!
But as the author tells us on the book’s cover, he intends this to be “Just for fun!”
--Jim McConnell
Melton Carr has authored a very interesting book about “Hey, Alexa!”. I found this book not only informative, but much fun entertaining to learn. The information Melton opened to Alexa…It is a great read for all those taking the time to meet Alexa and her ways of expressing her opinion.
A must read is my opinion.
--Chic Peterson