The ultimate Survival Guide/ Reference to help anyone get through any Emergency or Event. and how to prep for it Nutritionally and Medicinally. A powerful resource for any prepper New or Experienced. With detailed examples, lists, recipes and many vital resources.
Find out about Phyc. Warfare,what it is and how to react to it. The single herb that you can live off of in the event of a food shortage or even famine. building a good Bug out/EVAC plan . an ultimate prepper resource
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In this E-Book we will get right to the point explaining everything about survival/Prepping tactics/strategies using Natural Solution . This is for a good reason . If an event were to happen and all medical Supplies reserved for govt. or other exclusive uses thus leaving the general public to self exterminate. This is a bold statement but yes it can be true in the direction the USA is headed.Particularly within its existing economic framework. It is vital to be aware of the resources but not only to barter or get them as needed but to eliminate all resources and become an independent source thus making your other sources secondary. we will also talk on off topics such as putting together an I.N.C.H. (intending never to come home) Bag, Bug out bag and GOOD ( get out of dodge) Bags.
Learn which natural Solutions Can Be Juiced and or used for food with a detailed How To and Recipe Section. This little but powerful Reference /Survival Guide should be in every bug out bag/plan and is loaded with VERY valuable information that is in NO OTHER PREPPER/SURVIVAL book out .
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About the author
With Close to 25 years of tactical and 10 years of Special Operations I have also been working with Traditional herbal medicines for over 40 years. Currently working with Supplements, Essential Oils, Bee Products and formulations for many aliments. And I dedicate my life to helping as many people as possible(especially with the current state that our country is in) with my teachings and work totally naturally. For this is my passion.
Some of my interests include: Horticulture, Landscaping, Gardening, Medical Herbal & Nutritional Research and traditional herbal solutions that actually work. and have brought much success to those who use them. including myself
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