Written by Bjarke Steen Rasmussen, with co-authors Anine Ross and Karnika E. Yashwant (Mr KEY), this fantasy focuses on the balance of life and death. This story, although written in fiction style, is based on real events which have been occurring all over the world in recent times due to temperature changes, but surprisingly prophetic of West Virginia’s current events.
The Spirit of Things is populated by people as ordinary as American Pie and pumpkins on Halloween Day. The cast of characters includes: Heraia Lowrie – the young heroine whose powers over nature will provide the entertainment and redemption; Manuel Pinero – Heraia’s twin and admirer; Jose Pinero- the anti-hero who commits the repented crime for the redemption of all; Joshua Bofard, a local news reporter who must prove himself in a muscle-straining bid to build an altar of sacrifice and Amalinda Porter, Josh lady-love and a foil for Josh with her warm, nurturing character.
The Spirit of Things delivers a positive figure in Heraia Lowrie, who must walk the path of desolation to complete her mission novel. Her wholesome, lovable and budding powers endear her to all. In a recurring theme, the novel is grounded on love, despondency, loneliness, friendship, admiration, and sacrifice. You can identify with any or all of these emotions in the heroine or in the other characters. The higher morality of the heroine repeatedly collides with the selfishness and weaknesses of the two boys as they find themselves in a constant tug-of-war for Heraia.
5.0 out of 5 stars - Shines in the genre, February 12, 2013
By wheemsie "wheemsie"
I don't review things very often, so when I do, know that there is a big reason. Either I extremely disliked or LOVED something. and this book falls into the later category (I am a sucker of the genre ;)). I hate when people reveal any details about books to me when I plan to read and haven't done so yet, so I'm not going to go into any of that. But I will say, if you like the genre, you'll LOVE tsot.
5.0 out of 5 stars - A nice book, January 16, 2013
By ReaderCris
This book is a fascinating read. I was not sure about the book at first, but got into it and was very glad I decided to stick with it. The book itself focuses on a girl amid a battle to save the earth, but it is so much more than that. The author's style made me think a lot about our collective impact on the planet (and this coming from somebody who wouldn't describe themselves as belonging to the green movement!). I would recommend this book to anybody who likes books that have deeper meaning and that make them think.
5.0 out of 5 stars - In The Spirit Of Good Things, January 6, 2013
By Allentowne
I found this book, "The Spirit Of Things-A Girls Journey In The Search Of Truth" to be very interesting and entertaining. The authors weave an elaborate tale of a unique and gifted young girls journey through life, while mixing in many ingredients such as wisdom, purpose, life mission, and respect for nature. This story to me is a celebration of life, the earth and the people in it, mixed with a little Eastern philosophy and wisdom. I would recommend " In The Spirit Of Things" a great read.
5.0 out of 5 stars - Thought Provoking Read, January 10, 2013
By Mrs. Jeanne M. Smith (Bocas del Toro, Panama)
5.0 out of 5 stars - Nicely one, February 11, 2013
By Laura
The timing of this book is perfect. Our society needs to become more aware of protecting our natural resources and reducing the amount of unnecessary waste. Awesome story and great green movement.