Harold the Halfling's Herbology Handbook is an all-new RPG supplement with 70 different types of in-game flora ready for any
fantasy-based tabletop game. This compendium, cleverly narrated by Harold himself and gorgeously illustrated, focuses on all
manner and type of vegetation your adventurers will commonly encounter.
The core of the Herbology Handbook features a delight of details and descriptions:
10 Classes of Crops
10 Fragrant Flowers
10 Fabulous Fruits
10 Forms of Fungi
10 Tremendous Trees
10 Varieties of Vegetables
10 Whimsical Weeds
Harold's botanical knowledge extends far beyond those lists. He also shares even more of his greenery wisdom with in-depth
analysis of usages, planting, climate, natural enemies, environmental impact, and more. Not only does he provide descriptions of all this flora, but there are also all the amazing (or dangerous!) things you can do with them, from medicinal uses to potions, man-made edibles, and even poisons. All have been designed for 5E but are easily adaptable to any tabletop RPG.
Harold's great at math, but if you're not keeping count, inside are nearly 200 pages filled with unique and creative flora that
could be planted and thrive anywhere within your realms. Harold's Herbology Handbook contains every bit of background
information that a DM could need to make selections that enrichen the world of his stories and really bring them to life for the
We truly believe you will enjoy Harold's wealth of flora and hope it makes your creative endeavors even more fantastical.
Harold practically guarantees it!