Hobie Hill grew up in a very small town in Texas and truly loves games in all forms. The years rolled by and soon he found that he yearned for gaming and to write, thus Deep Dungeon Games was born. We truly hope you enjoy all the books in our collection and get to use them in your fantasy games and realms. Whether you are World Building, novel writing, or just need some quick content for a game then our books are designed to be the go-to source for all your game wants and needs. The aim of all our content is not a focus on one game but rather the entirety of what fantasy is and can be. This is the first of a new direction we are going: the path of fantasy content. We just never realized that we're creating for a more World Building style. These books were conceived from a simple idea: take something normal and recognizable and tweak it just enough to make it fantastic yet believable. The goal was to create content that seems like it could exist but would only become clear upon further inspection that there is nowhere in the "real" world that could contain such a creation. That means they all belong in the realms of fantasy in your tales! Expect to see more future content follow along these same lines. I hope you join us to meet other interesting characters and narrators of our books, who will introduce us all to their world so you can make it part of yours!