"Grandpa's Treasures" is a book about the blessings in our environment that our children from 4 to 14 years old can enjoy. They are the animals, bugs and birds that contribute to our environment. The book is written in the first person so the "critters'' are telling them what they eat, where they live and how they have contributed to our lives and our countries history. The poems were written by my father for my two children when they were young. He was a biology teacher. I wrote the stories and illustrated the book. I also taught students from 5 to 95 in my special education classes. "Grandpa's Treasures" is an excellent life science book for our young people. There are work sheets with every story, that they can color and answer questions. This book can be used in the Public School System and the Home Schooling Programs. Lets teach our children how to enjoy the free blessings we have in our lives everyday.