I have always enjoyed art. I began painting and drawing at a young age. I never dreamed that God could take this love of painting and turn it into a ministry. Prophetic art is simply communication with God through art. It is my form of worship. Several years ago God brought women into my life that would take visions and dreams from God and put them on canvas. I simply asked God to give me this gift and He did. I did have to learn that it is not about the art, it’s the message. I had to overcome the fear of what people would think and the worry that it was not good enough. You can go out on the internet and find all levels of prophetic art. My art teacher can turn out a beautiful work of art in just a few minutes, but just as powerful are the stick figure pictures that others turn out. God gives me the pictures in different ways. Sometimes they come all at once. Others come a piece at a time. He always gives me scripture and words to go with the paintings. I am not a professional artist or writer, but I felt God leading me to put my paintings and words into a book to share. Please take time to meditate on the scripture and ask God what He is showing you in the painting. I realize it is something new and different to most people, but sit with these paintings and let them speak to you. They may speak to you in a completely different way than they did to me. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or want to discuss any of the paintings. Of course my desire is to bring you closer to Jesus, my Savior, Redeemer, and best friend.