Little Speedy is back!
Twenty-five years after his debut, Little Speedy Copeland returns to share his extraordinary adventure. Heartbreakingly real and insightful, Garden's Corner captures the imaginative spirit of a "near-crippled" Brooklyn teen who travels south in search of his best friend who vanished without a trace after a violent episode involving the two youths.
With a voice that continues to stand the test of time and remains clever, funny and addictive, Little Speedy spins a tale mixed with pain and pleasure. His story is a cry out to all those who care enough to listen, his heartfelt desire to overcome not only physical paralysis, but paralysis of the human spirit as well.
What we see pass before the watchful and inquisitive eyes of Little Speedy Copeland, and what we learn about him and his environment, makes Garden's Corner a compelling and thought-provoking read.