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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Personal Growth / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:155
  • eBook ISBN:9781483513393

Future Flow

Life Mastery Skills for Self Acceptance and True Fulfilment.

by Marc Miles

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Your brain doesn't want you to be happy or fulfilled. This book reveals the raw reality of being human and the true essence of how to navigate your future and co-create your perfect future.
Your brain doesn't want you to be happy or fulfilled. This book reveals the raw reality of being human and the true essence of how to navigate your future and co-create your perfect future. Our minds have countless tricks that it likes to play on us to control us and mind virus that we must get rid of. This book helps you finally realise the true nature of being human and stop tormenting ourselves for our fictional short comings. Bring back the flow to your life and learn what it really is to be fulfilled and smile again.
About the author
Business and Mindset Mastery Expert, . Marc's objective perspective and background in the field of training and communication allows him to penetrate deep to the core of limitations and help struggling entrepreneurs and the regular reader to take their business and their life to the next level. His studies in NLP, Coaching, Teaching, Linguistics & Communication, Business and life will give you the insights you are looking for to transform and go from where you are now to where you truly desire to be. Having trained over 400 speakers and trainers and coached over 100 personal clients his results have allowed him to grow his onwn mindset and assist others to do the same. His passion for success and growth is limitless and raw authenticity means every word of his books leaves a lasting impression on the reader.