About the author
Cartoonist Dan Rosandich has been a fulltime cartoonist for 35 years. His cartoons have appeared in Good Housekeeping, Medical Economics, Saturday Evening Post, Better Homes & Gardens, Saturday Review, National Lampoon, Reader's Digest and numerous trade journals relating to medicine, dentistry, education, law, agriculture and plumbing. Many of his single panel cartoons appear in the Chicken Soup For The Soul series of books including Chicken Soup For The Christian Soul, The Pet Lover's Soul, The Gardener's Soul, The Mother's Soul and others.
The cartoonist maintained a syndicate venture that syndicated his panel cartoons to various weekly newspapers across the U.S. and Vanada. His work is now available for licensing through his online image licensing database Dans Cartoons where thousands of his cartoons are categorized by subject matter and can be reviewed at his website. Dan offers web designers a daily web cartoon that auto updates every night at 2AM NYC time, and all cartoons scheduled are guaranteed 100% family friendly. All that's needed is a simple line of code that can be supplied to any interested bloggers or online publishers.