The author was born and lives in Oregon. He enjoys fly-fishing, writing, painting, music, and traveling. He and his wife, Sandra have two sons, one daughter-in-law, and two grandsons. Douglas graduated from the University of Oregon, When not writing, Douglas enjoys the Oregon Coast, and you can often find him walking the beaches, or fishing the coastal streams. "Faces In My Shower - Vol. I is the result of a medical crisis in his life where he had some time to recover and use his creative mind to write a book that is more for the imagination and enjoyment of all, than any kind of a serious endeavor. His humor is subtle but not malicious. He has several other books he is currently working on. He returned from a fact-finding trip to Princeton, NJ for a work he is hoping to finish soon. His writing subjects vary from instructional such as "How To Study Smart", Imagination/Art, to historic fiction.