How on Earth can you write a book answering the Question – What is a Hospitality Manager and what do they do? When Hospitality businesses can be so vastly different.
How on Earth can you write a book answering that Question; when everybody has a different opinion as to what is Management and who is a Manager?
Well here we go. I truly believe that Management is the Art of Getting Things Done through People. It may be Scientific at times, it may be Luck at times – but I believe it is an Art.
Using this Idea then, I will be writing about those within Hospitality whose roles are to Get Things Done through People on a regular Basis. I can see for the point of this work 4 different types of Managers who get things done through people. Of course there are many more; but I am the author and I had to make the choice.
Firstly I will be writing about Supervisors. A Supervisor could be a very different person within different types of Businesses; but for the basis of this work a Supervisor is anybody who is a first-level manager. Normally working within 1 area of the business and normally not in charge of an area except for perhaps a shift at a time when their Senior is not present.
Secondly I will be writing about a Head of Department level within a business. Typically they will have Supervisors working with them and they will be seen as more senior than their Supervisors. Normally they will be the most senior Manager within a particular area and will have different responsibilities depending on the size of the business and the way they do things there.
Next of all I will be referring to an Operations Manager, often called the Deputy General Manager. I am writing about them as if they are the second most senior Manager within the business regardless of their title and the size of the business.
Finally I will be writing about the General Manager, or whatever is the title of the most senior Manager in the business where you work. It is possible that they own the business, however they could be running the business for the owner or for a Corporation.
I also truly believe that the Art of Management can be simply broken down into 4 tasks within a Hospitality business – regardless of the level of Manager you are and regardless of the size of the business and the way your company does things.
Firstly I will be looking at the activity of Planning – looking into the future. Every Manager will Plan; just some will do more of it and some will look further into their future.
Secondly I will be thinking about the activity of Leadership; the way that Managers gain the use of their Human Resources to achieve what needs to be done on a regular basis.
I will then be looking at the task of Organising; how a Manager decides to apply their resources to any given situation. Some Managers’ organisation will impact the shift; other Managers’ organisation will impact the entire business for years at a time.
Finally the act of Control will be looked at. How does the Manager, regardless of their level or position, ensure that what should be done – gets done. Not an easy job in either the small or the large hospitality business.
It is my intention that everybody should read the entire book – as it is only by reading all four sections, about each Level of Management, that the greatest benefit will be gained.
I think it is really very similar what every Manager does within Hospitality; regardless of their grade and regardless of the size of their business. All four layers of Managers carry out the same four activities – with just slight alterations as your career progresses.
By the way – I am Sawyers the Duty Manager (D.M.). My colleagues are Jasmine – The Supervisor; Mario – The Head of Department (H.O.D.); Raphael – The Operations Manager (Ops.) and Min – our General Manager (G.M.).
We have all worked together for quite a while now and I think we know what we are doing. Why don’t you let me know?