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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Spirituality
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Enlightenment Through Bible Verses
  • Series Number:0
  • Pages:12
  • eBook ISBN:9781620955451

Enlightenment Through Bible Verses

Book of Mathew

by Jennifer Ann

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Enlightenment Through Bible Verses explores each chapter in the bible, beginning with the New Testament. It chooses meaningful verses, and applies them to our everyday lives. These insights are meant to inspire and remind us how important God's role is in regards to every aspect of our lives. God wants us to be happy. God wants us to feel fulfilled. We need to open our hearts and allow Him to work "His magic."
Just like you, I am always in search of answers and profound experiences. I have listened to many speakers, read countless books, and attended many conferences (both live and via the web). They all say we already possess all of the answers and the means to get where we want to go. Some seem to offer wonderful techniques, and I admittedly do make some progress.......but the "AHA!" moment has yet to happen. A niggling inside pushed me to pull out the one book that has yet to be read in its entirety. The one book that is always easy to spot on my bookshelf. It is the one book that includes countless stories that are meant to teach. It is the one book that I know will help me find all of the answers. Why I have put it off for so long is still a mystery. Perhaps it was my own blocks. Perhaps it is worrying what others would think. But the feeling has been so strong recently, that I took the plunge. And so on this 21st day of reading the bible, I have officially deemed it a daily habit. In fact, I now jump out of bed wondering what message awaits my curious soul. Sometimes the messages are so profound, I tell them to anyone who will listen. A few times, the messages became clearer as the day progressed…..the words rolling around in my head waiting to reveal themselves. And now that same niggling encourages me to share what I’m learning with others. My journey begins in the New Testamen,t reading from THE LIVING BIBLE Self-Help Edition (appropriate), the book of Mathew Granted, it will be my own interpretation as I truly feel that the bible speaks to each of us in different ways. Will you join me?
About the author
The author is an inquisitive mother of four, searching for spiritual guidance. She felt compelled to pick up the bible in search of truth and meaning. The scriptures were enlightening, but she found deeper meanings resonating as she read the written words. The bible is timeless in so many ways, and the messages are as relevant as when written so many years ago.