Overview Thoughtful, hopeful, at times gritty and comical, this short story collection delights in examining the lives of humble characters in oddball but everyday circumstances. There is an old-fashioned honesty in Flynn's work that reflects our common humanity. The author mirrors the commonplace, the foibles, and struggles of individuals seeking ways to resolve inevitable crises and disturbances. The writing is firm and poetic throughout, creating a total collection that is a rare gem from start to finish.
Description "There's something dazzling about the way Flynn brings his characters to life." Alyson Hagy, author of Boleto "If you like gritty short stories, firmly rooted in real life, you will love Dreaming Rodin." Amazon Review
About the author John Michael Flynn, who also writes as Basil Rosa, has published five poetry chapbooks; a story collection, Something Grand; a book of poems, Moments Between Cities; and a collection of translations from the Romanian poetry of Nicolae Dabija, Blackbird Once Wild Now Tame.
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