About the author
Dr. Tuan Pham is an expert in increasing dental office profitability and success. He is the creator of Dental Maverick, a program designed to teach dentists how to master effective communication, leadership, and management. As a practicing dentist, he recognizes that many dentists are excellent clinicians, but struggle with daily management and leadership duties. Many dentists simply want to go to work, perform dentistry and not “deal with the rest” including staff management and leadership. As dentists, if we can systematically perform difficult technical procedures, then if provided systematic step by step instructions, we too can learn how to effectively lead and communicate. In this book and in his Dental Maverick series, you will learn important principles to implement today. You will learn to take control and affect a positive change that leads your office towards higher profitability. Dental Maverick doctors doubled their office production and many have increased their offices $200-400k soon after learning these skills.